– New journal articles in Summer and Fall 2022 by Megan Baumman and Yooinn Hong

Megan Baumann has authored a new article in the Journal of Peasant Studies on “Examining land rental market’s linkages to land and water control in Colombia’s irrigation megaprojects: integrating the political economy of agrarian change and the political ecology of vulnerability” and has also lead-authored a forthcoming article on “Linkages of suspended infrastructure, contestation and social-environmental and political-ecological unevenness: Colombia’s Tolima Triangle irrigation megaproject” that is appearing in the Journal of Latin American Geography in a special issue on Infrastructure in Latin America. Yooinn Hong lead-authored an article on “Useful plants from the wild to home gardens: An analysis of home garden ethnobotany in contexts of habitat conversion and land use change in Jeju, South Korea” in the Journal of Ethnobiology. Both these new articles draw from their dissertation research as GeoSyntheSES lab members.