– New Master’s theses successfully defended and beginning Ph.D program: Congrats to Megan and Ramzi!

Megan and Ramzi successfully defended and filed their master’s theses in the spring and early summer of 2017. They’ve both been admitted to the department’s Ph.D program where they’re currently beginning their first year and have already completed their candidacy exams (see above). The titles of their master’s theses are “FARMER LANDSCAPE KNOWLEDGE IN NORTH-CENTRAL NICARAGUA” (Megan) and “FROM TERRITORIAL CLAIMS TO MEDIATED ACCESS:  UNRAVELING THE ETHNOTERRITORIAL FIX IN THE PERUVIAN AMAZON” (Ramzi). Both Megan and Ramzi completed interesting, important research projects that integrated theoretical and conceptual frameworks with fieldwork, and are working to revise their theses to become journal articles.